We appreciate the important role that helpers play at the Centre. We allow children over 9 years old and adults to help at the centre through various schemes.
All children must participate in the Pony Club Volunteering and Lesson activity on a Thursday first so they can learn what to do and how to stay safe. They can then join the BHS Leadership programme to continue to develop their transferable skills whilst assisting with the running of the yard. They may also develop their stable management skills through stable management lessons.
Adult volunteers may come to help at any time, and will be given tasks suitable to their skill level. To develop their skills, they are invited to join the Horse Care Certificate or BHS Stage courses, or to book stable management lessons.
We also need a variety of helpers for our shows with jobs ranging from pole picking to stewarding to dressage writing to fence judging.
For helping on the yard, please wear suitable clothing including wellies and waterproofs. You will need to wear a hat to catch, lead and groom, which you can hire from the centre if you do not have your own. In hot weather, please wear sunscreen and bring water.
To arrange to become an assistant on the yard, please talk to your instructor or email tumpygreenequestriancentre@gmail.com